Chandrayaan 3 Landed Successfully On Moon

Chandrayaan 3 Landed Successfully On Moon

ISRO Chandrayaan-3 Launch LIVE Updates

ISRO Chandrayaan-3 mission launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, at 2.35 PM IST on Friday, July 14. The mission follows Chandrayaan-2, in which scientists intend to show several capabilities such as reaching lunar orbit, soft-landing on the lunar surface with a lander.

Sixteen minutes after lift-off, the propulsion module successfully detached from the rocket and would circle the Earth 5-6 times in an elliptical cycle with 170 km closest and 36,500 km farthest from Earth going towards lunar orbit. You may watch the launch live on ISRO’s official website. 

Chandrayaan-3 Launch LIVE Updates

‘New Chapter in India’s Space Odyssey’ “Chandrayaan-3 scripts a new chapter in India’s space Odyssey.” It soars high, uplifting every Indian’s goals and objectives. This historic feat is a credit to our scientists’ unwavering devotion. “I salute their spirit and ingenuity!” stated Prime Minister Modi. 

Chandrayaan-3 glides to the moon, eliciting acclaim and cheers from ISRO

India’s ambitious Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft has launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, on a mission to study the moon’s south pole. Scientists at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) welcomed the successful launch of the lunar mission with joyful and resounding clapping as the Chandrayaan-3 rocketed to the moon. Thousands of Indians waved the national flag outside the mission control station.

Chandrayaan-3 Launch Live Updates: Jitendra Singh, Union Minister, talks after the launch

“It is a moment of glory for India and it is destiny for all of us here in Sriharikota who were a part of making history.” Thank you, ISRO team, for making India proud. And also thank you, Prime Minister Modi, for making this possible by opening the gates of Sriharikota and enabling India’s space sector Union Minister Jitendra Singh on the Chandrayaan-3 launch.

The chairman of ISRO talks 

“Chandrayaan-3 has begun its journey to the moon.” Our lovely LVM3 has already placed the Chandrayaan-3 ship in a perfect orbit around Earth. Let us wish the Chandrayaan-3 probe the best of luck as it continues its orbit-raising operations and travels towards the moon in the coming days.” ISRO’s chairman stated. 

Nambi Narayanan, a former ISRO scientist, speaks out

“I congratulate the ISRO team. The moral support and excitement you all demonstrated”. Let us hope for a very successful mission ahead of us,” former ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan remarked. 

The President of India declares a historic achievement

“India successfully launches Chandrayaan-3, marking yet another important milestone in space exploration.” It demonstrates the country’s constant commitment to space research and technical advancement. “My best wishes for the lunar mission’s success,” President Droupadi Murmu tweeted. 

Amit Shah extends his warmest congratulations

“India began its historic space journey today with the successful launch of Chandrayaan-3.” “My heartfelt congratulations to the ISRO scientists whose tireless efforts has today move India on the path of scripting a remarkable space odyssey for future generations to cherish,” said Union Home Minister Amit Shah. 

Sachin Tendulkar congratulates our scientists 

“ISRO’s payloads carry the hopes, pride, and faith of 1.4 billion Indians.” The launch of Chandrayaan-3 launch brings us great delight. . Congratulations to all of our scientists for their tireless work. A day to remember for all Indians. “Jai Hind,” Sachin Tendulkar tweeted.

Chandrayaan-3 Mission Updates: Isro’s Lander Module’s health is normal as it approaches the Moon

On Thursday, 35 days aftеr thе satеllitе’s launch on July 14, thе Landеr Modulе of Chandrayaan-3 succеssfully split from thе Propulsion Modulе.

According to ISRO, Chandrayaan-3’s Landеr Modulе succеssfully complеtеd a dеboosting (slowing down) procеdurе that brought it closеr to thе Moon, and that its hеalth is normal.

The Lander Module, which includes the lander (Vikram) and rover (Pragyan), will undertake its second deboosting operation on August 20 in order to be lowered to a much closer orbit to the Moon’s surface.

Thе soft landing on thе Moon’s south polе is sеt for August 23.
“Thе Landеr Modulе (LM) is in good hеalth. Thе sеcond dеboosting opеration is schеdulеd for August 20, 2023, at approximatеly 0200 Hrs. IST,

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